all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 3RB 20 0 53.421646 -2.856964
L36 3RD 23 1 53.420925 -2.854768
L36 3RE 19 0 53.420589 -2.851451
L36 3RF 20 11 53.421086 -2.863287
L36 3RG 17 7 53.421522 -2.860513
L36 3RH 1 1 53.421439 -2.860797
L36 3RJ 34 0 53.421189 -2.857963
L36 3RL 30 0 53.420207 -2.854618
L36 3RN 10 5 53.419986 -2.850325
L36 3RP 34 0 53.419724 -2.849176
L36 3RR 38 0 53.4189 -2.848814
L36 3RS 18 0 53.421684 -2.851683
L36 3RT 14 0 53.421716 -2.853505
L36 3RU 10 0 53.422328 -2.857128
L36 3RW 4 3 53.420572 -2.84501
L36 3RX 22 0 53.421216 -2.853043
L36 3RY 26 0 53.421748 -2.856515
L36 3RZ 31 0 53.420978 -2.85355
L36 3SA 18 3 53.424047 -2.858938
L36 3SB 26 0 53.426415 -2.858821